As you can see by counter, school is almost out! I can't wait! While I've loved teaching this year, there were lots of things that I can gladly avoid for the next few months:
- sitting in long meetings
- having three meetings scheduled at once
- grading a bazillion papers just to hand them back for revision
- having to check my voicemail
- forgetting to check my voicemail for weeks at a time
- getting in trouble for not checking my voicemail
I'll miss a few things too:
- the way I long for Fridays
- the funny things my kids say (Ms. Smith, I'm going to an Ivy Lake school!)
- the excitement when an underachieving child reaches his/her potential
- knowing that you finally got through to that difficult child
- hanging out with my wonderful colleagues
I won't have to miss it long though! Only a couple months until school starts again (August 20th, to be exact).
And in even better news, I get married in 30 days!!! In fact, I may have to start a new counter next week since I'm a thousand times more excited about June 30th than I am about June 7th.