So, here it is, and may I say if you talked to Josh already it's much better than his version that he found a ring on the sidewalk. :)
Well, last week was my Spring Break, and we were supposed to hang out at the beach all day. He canceled on me, though, to go pick up camping stuff from his parents. Now, I know that might seem like an obvious bluff, but we'd been talking about the possibility for ages, and I never realized that this wasn't his real reason for going home.
Anyway, earlier in the week, I had told him that I wanted him to surprise me with a dress and take me out someday, and I even sent him my measurements. On Thursday morning, he called, though, and offered to take me shopping instead since he wasn't sure how the measurements worked.
After he left school, we went shopping, and he bought this cute dress for me! I was a little suspicious at first, but he told me he just wanted to apologize to me for the previous day. He also told me that he needed to go look at a ring in Atlanta next weekend, and after I asked, he said we could even go to Six Flags! Needless to say, I was pretty excited.
After shopping, we had sandwiches at his house and went to his Ultimate Frisbee game. After the game (he played Great!), we went to this fancy restaurant called Carolina's. It was delicious! When I asked why we were going to such a fancy place, he told me that his dad told him that was a great way to get out of the doghouse. He was right!

Josh: Amber, we're not going to Six Flags next weekend.
Me: What? Why not? But, I want to go!
Josh: Amber, we don't need to go to Atlanta.
Me: What are you talking about? Sure we do.
Josh: Nope.
And then he opened his hand and in it was my beautiful ring! He moved down a step and said, "Will you marry me?" I attacked him, yelling "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Finally, I swiped the ring so we didn't lose it, and then I jumped up and down and was so SO excited!
I am so happy, and I just can't stop smiling! We're getting married on June 30th, and I can't wait! :)
Congrats. I'm so happy for both of you.
However, let's play a game of "spot the lie."
Lie #1. Josh isn't the most wonderful man, but he's at least related to him ;)
Lie #2. Clearly my father has never given dating advice. However, I'm sure he's spent his fair share of time in the doghouse.
Lie #3. We all know josh didn't play a great game of ultimate. He throws like a girl.
once again, congratulations (insert internet bear hug here). Welcome to the family (which unfortunately includes occasional sarcastic blog comments from your brother-in-law).
We'll conduct a formal introduction to the Murphy family at a later time. During this timed event you'll be required to balance a checkbook, eat peanut butter and crackers for a month, and construct a dog house out of four rusty nails and a milk carton. If it's any consolation, it took Jaime three times to pass the Murphy test.
April 09, 2007 6:39 PM
for the record, I do like Josh's story better because it sounds much more realistic.
April 09, 2007 8:00 PM
Congrats from me also. So are you planning to spend your honeymoon in some distant pacific island named after girl scout cookies? NO, Mary might officially disown me if I somehow convinced all of her original musketeers to make the journey out west. Seriously, I'm excited to finally have an {adult} sister-in-law (yes, I love Diana but she's nine.) I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for Murphy-men advice at a later date.
April 09, 2007 10:37 PM
well, despite what MY husband said, I thought that finding a ring on the ground, from the picture it had to be next to a rosebush while you were wearing a gorgeous dress. . . hrmmm, I don't think Josh is THAT lucky. Sounds fabulous though.
So, when will you be in NA so we can throw you a party? Need any registry advice?
We'll chat later. . .
April 10, 2007 5:08 PM
Philip's right about me. BTW the peanutbutter test will really mess up your intestines when you get off it. The trick to the checkbook test isn't to have it balanced but to have as much extra as possible to spend on a ski trip where you buy your tickets on eBay. I hope this doesn't mean Josh is going to move me down on his blog links list.
April 11, 2007 2:43 AM
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