Why does church meet in the morning?
That is question Number 1 on my "Churchy Questions" list. In Greece, we met once on Sunday at 6:00 in the evening, pure bliss if you ask me. At Silver City, we met at noon. Both of these options, particularly the Grecian variety, left me a much happier and much more involved Christian while fellowshipping with the group. Why can't we do that, and why is our preacher constantly chiding the congregation for not showing up on Sunday nights?
Other churchy questions:
2. Why don't we ever spend time as a church helping other people? I mean really helping them, not just donating money to a faceless organization. Couldn't we skip normal services for just one week to help others?
3. Why are Christians always such a rush to get to church that we can't even stop to help change a tire or put a shower back in some guy's truck? I'm definitely guilty of the latter.
4. What's the deal with Sunday school? I have no theological grounds on this one, but I did always start falling asleep in Sunday school as a kid, and as an adult.
5. Should we change what we're doing or try something different? What would it take for us to feel that we could, and should, try a different approach.
Lots of questions, no answers, and a bullet list. That's all I've got for now, but I'm hoping that someday I'll find some answers.
Put a shower back in some guy's truck????
Ummm... I would have stopped just for the story of why this dude has a shower in his truck.
Although I'm not sure if they still do, several of the men at Lexington CoC have service projects every Wednesday night where they help some stranger in the community. The men thought it was a good way to help... most of the wives thought they were trying to skip Wednesday class. Regardless, it seems to keep everyone happy.
November 21, 2006 12:36 PM
I can honestly say that I have never bypassed someone needing help putting a shower back in their truck. It is even worse, though, we actually drove by a one-legged kid on crutches last week on the way to church (and looking at his appearance, he was headed to church. Maybe our impulse should be to look for those to help, then we would not feel anxious when the situations present themselves.
November 22, 2006 2:52 PM
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