After staying home sick all day yesterday (yuk!), I am finally on the mend. And the good news is that I was well for Football Thursday! Not Friday Night Football - Football Thursday. So, here's my day: Make my kids do work, eat dinner, grade papers, go to the Wando B-team game, the JV game, and then head for the Kickin' Chicken to watch USC almost beat Auburn.
My throat is sore and my voice gone, but it has truly been an incredible day. I couldn't be any prouder of all my football players (I'm kind of falling to the USC side these days) if, if... well, ya know, I just couldn't be prouder.
Anyway, I'm beat and we're headed to N.A. tomorrow after a whirlwind day of more Invention Projects at school. I'll write a real post soon, but for now, this girl's got to get some sleep!
Go Gamecocks!!! :)
Welcome to the Bad News Bears fan club. I reckon its better than cheering for Bama. I feel bad for that Bama kicker last week. Did you hear he received so much criticism that he tried to commit suicide? Luckily, he was unsuccessful. He couldn't even kick the chair out from beneath him. ha ha.
Also, welcome to the world of blogging. You can comiserate with Jaime and Paul about the hassles of teaching. Personally, I get more than my fair shair of teachers complaining. Maybe Josh and I can start a club... no teachers allowed.
September 29, 2006 12:11 PM
Jaime this time -- oh, how I wish we could be in NA with you this weekend so we could all commiserate on our low performing students. It does give Paul and I something to talk about, though!
September 29, 2006 11:41 PM
I'll second the comment from the first philip murphy.
That's right, Abalama stinks.
October 02, 2006 3:29 PM
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